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Remember your loved ones in Romemu’s annual Book of Remembrance

Romemu's annual Yizkor Book -- Book of Remembrance - is a traditional way to honor the names of loved ones passed and make a charitable donation to Romemu at the same time. The printed book will be distributed on Yom Kippur to those attending onsite and a digital version will be shared with all those attending online.

Names must be submitted by September 30 for inclusion in the book.

This year, to help you honor the memories of those you cherish, you may include as many names as you wish for a single donation.  In addition, gifts of $1,000 or more will place your loved ones in our Perpetual Memorial which will ensure the names of your loved ones will be maintained in our Book for years to come. 

While donations are greatly appreciated, no names will be turned away for lack of contribution.

*A gift of $1,000 or more will place your loved ones in our Perpetual Memorial which will ensure the names of your loved ones will be maintained in our Book for years to come.


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784