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2024-25 Romemu Membership
Thank you for your commitment as a Romemu member. Our community of almost 1,000 members is sustained mainly by membership dues and charitable gifts from YOU, our members.
100% of your dues AND donations go toward supporting everything you rely on from your Romemu community.
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Do you have questions about membership dues?
Read FAQ
Membership dues cover one year of membership, including all member benefits related to one year of High Holy Days. The Romemu membership year runs from July 1 - June 30.
Please note, while members may choose to pay their annual dues in monthly installments, dues are based on one year of membership. Renewing now will guarantee your current membership dues levels through next year AND ensure you are among the first eligible to register for High Holy Day services.
If you have any questions about your membership, please see FAQ below. If you need further assistance, contact
Ready to Recommit to Your Romemu Community?
Complete the Form Below to Renew Your Membership Today!
What do my dues support?
I love Romemu and understand that standard membership dues only cover a portion of what I receive from Romemu. I have the financial means to give more and would like to give more to sustain the lively, Jewish, spiritually connected services and classes that are driving the future of Jewish practice. How can I do this?
How do I know if it is time to pay my dues?
I am still paying monthly toward current dues? If I continue now for next year, what happens to my current payments?
In the past, I did not have the financial capacity to pay full dues and was receiving E’zrah. I can now pay full dues. What do I do?
I have been a Romemu Friend and am now ready to make a deeper connection as a full member with full benefits. What do I do?
I’d like to renew but my financial situation has changed and I am unable to pay full dues as was in the past. What should I do?
Why is a security fee included with membership dues?
100% of your membership and donations go toward the clergy and staff that support Romemu members, music, facilities, and infrastructure that support our onsite and online offerings. (unless you direct otherwise).
Become a Bonim member. We have three levels for generous people like you who not only want to cover the full cost of their membership in the community but also strengthen the community for all spiritual seekers. Learn more about Bonim memberships here and/or contact for more information.
How do I know if it is time to renew my membership?
Each annual dues cycle includes access for one year for High Holy Days. If you attended Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services as a member this past year, it is time to pay your dues. While your membership benefits will not fully expire until the date you paid last year, recommitting to membership before June 30 will guarantee you the current membership dues rate AND advanced access to High Holy Day reservations this year.
Unsure of your current membership status?
Click the "My Account" link at the top of this page to view your transaction history to see when you last paid dues (if prior to last Rosh Hashanah, it is time renew your membership. NOTE: If you are paying in monthly installments, the relevant date is when you made your first monthly payment) or contact for assistance.
The payments you are currently making are for 2023/24 dues.
Membership dues are assessed annually. While you may choose to pay off your balance in monthly installments, your current payments are for the 2023/24 membership year.
Regardless of when you joined or last renewed your membership, renewing now, during our annual Membership Drive, locks in your dues for the coming year at this year’s rates.
We ask that you continue to pay off your 2023/24 dues until the full amount for that year has been covered. However, we understand that this may be financially challenging for some people. If you are ready to renew today and are not able to continue your payment plan for the 2023/24 membership year, please contact We will cancel your previous payment plan and count whatever portion of your 2023/24 dues you already paid as sufficient.
Complete the form above and select the option that is now right for you.
Complete the form above and select the membership option that is right for you.
Complete the form above and select “E’zrah (with help) options to select the plan that is right for you.
Why is a security fee included with membership dues?
Romemu is committed to creating a safe space for all who come to pray, learn and connect in community. To ensure the safety of the community, we hire security professionals to be present at all Romemu gatherings. We ask that the community share in the cost of this service.
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
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