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Romemu Community Pantry Fund

With support from the Met Council and generous donors like you, the Romemu Social Action Committee organizes the Romemu Community Pantry to distribute groceries twice per month to those in the neighborhood who need them.

Your financial support will help ensure we can continue to offer nutrious food to all our neighbors in need.

Running the pantry costs $600 per day of operation.

Sponsoring a day of the Community Pantry for $600 offers you a unique opportunity to share your life’s milestones with your community while making a meaningful impact. Sponsorships will be recognized by name, at your discretion, in Romemu marketing materials.

Whether you can sponsor a full day or not, every contribution is valuable. No amount is too large or too small.

When you log in, your personal details will automatically populate to save you time! Logging in will also give you access to saved payment methods and allow you to pay via ACH-e-check or other methods besides credit card. To log in, click the "Login" dropdown at the top right of this page. You do not need a Romemu account to register and pay via credit card.

Please include your full name as you would like it included in your sponsorship listing as well as the specific tribute language (ex. in honor of Sue Cohen's B Mitzvah or in memory of Jon Cohen)
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785