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Chesed Fund

By engaging in acts of chesed (lovingkindness) we create a caring community and a culture of kindness. 

We invite everyone at Romemu to:

  • Learn what chesed means in our tradition and our community.
  • Explore how to engage in chesed at Romemu.
  • Volunteer for chesed opportunities to support others in our community.
  • Attend chesed-focused events.
  • Receive care from your community when you have a need.
Your financial support will help us provide meals and other support to Romemu members as they navigate challenging periods in their lives.

When you log in, your personal details will automatically populate to save you time! Logging in will also give you access to saved payment methods and allow you to pay via ACH-e-check or other methods besides credit card. To log in, click the "Login" dropdown at the top right of this page. You do not need a Romemu account to register and pay via credit card.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785