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Beit Midrash Spring 5784

Tuesdays, 7 – 8:30 PM ET

February 27; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16; May 7, 14, 21, 28; June 4

This is a drop-in course. Feel free to come to as many (or as few) sessions as fit your schedule.

Atthe Romemu Center (176 W 105th Street)  & Online- Your Confirmation Email will Include the Zoom Link

Free | Recommended Donation: $18/class you plan to attend

When you log in, your personal details will automatically populate to save you time! Logging in will also give you access to saved payment methods and allow you to pay via ACH-e-check or other methods besides credit card. To log in, click the "Login" dropdown at the top right of this page. You do not need a Romemu account to register and pay via credit cards.

Please note, this is not binding. You may join some classes onsite and some online if you choose. We ask that you let us know how you primarily intend to join so that we may plan appropriately.

Suggested Donation
Beit Midrash is offered free so that everyone who wishes to engage in Torah learning may do so. Your donation ensures we are able to continue to offer learning opportunities like these to all spiritual seekers.

We suggest a donation of $18/class you plan to attend. 

If you plan to attend all 13 sessions, the suggested donation amount is $234.
You will have the option to pay the full amount now  or to split payment over several months. To split payment over several months, use the "Pay this amount" dropdown menu on the payment screen.
Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784