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Installation of Cantor Shimon Smith


When you log in, your personal details will automatically populate to save you time! Logging in will also give you access to saved payment methods and allow you to pay via ACH-e-check or other methods besides credit card. To log in, click the "Login" dropdown at the top right of this page. You do not need a Romemu account to register and pay via credit card.

Signing up is free, however, Romemu appreciates your donations to our events. 
Honor Shimon with a gift to support Romemu's music program and Hazzan Smith's Discretionary Fund. 

All Romemu meals include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. We will strive to meet additional dietary requirements. However, we may not be able to meet all needs. If you have specific concerns please reach out to at least 3 days before the event.
Please note how many members of your party share these dietary restrictions.


Thu, November 14 2024 13 Cheshvan 5785